Meal Times

When inspected our nurseries have received the Highest Grade by Environmental Health latest one being

Aside from providing top quality day nursery services in Portsmouth, we also offer children a variety of delicious, nutritionally balanced snacks. All snacks and drinks are included in nursery fees.

Meal times are a social occasion at our nursery where children sit with their friends and eat fresh foods.

Breakfast is optional and is included in nursery fees for children who start before 8.30am, this can be flexible for our younger children

A selection of cereals are available each morning. Breakfast is offered from 7.30am - 8.30am. (from 8am at Goldsmith Avenue setting).

For younger babies, staff will work from home routines and preferences.

Lunch time begins around 11.30 - 11.45am each day. Children are encouraged to feed themselves and try new foods. Support with feeding is offered from staff if it is required.

Snacks include fresh fruit and vegetables twice a day along with a carb

Dinner time begins around 4pm each day. Parents need to provide their child's meal for this time currently. (*we are hoping to be able to provide lunch/dinner meals very soon).

Reviewed 2024

Food hygiene chart showing 5 stars (very good)